I am after a very long time. Why the silence? Why not? Life and all that it entails have prevented me from writing....I have been up, I have been down, JBoy has been mostly awake, I have hurt my back so M has been permanent ParentonDuty for goodness knows how long know, the usual.
One thing which is HUGE is that we have dipped our toes into the big ,scary pool of residential care for our Boy. As we are not getting any younger and as the Boy has not outgrown his dreadful sleep patterns, we have decided that,long term , the best plan would be to make sure that he has the best care available....and that might not be us. It is, quite frankly, terrifying.
It has all been approved in theory but the powers that be need to find a reasonably priced bungalow in this town of ours, where cheap and yet large bungalows are few and far it may be some time. They need a dwelling for 3 or 4 chaps, including our Boy, plus residential carers . ...with outside space, in the local environs so that the chaps can still go to the MMDC.....all for less than a sum specified.
We mostly don’t think about, choosing to face it when it becomes more of a reality for us. Also, if I think about it too often I feel dreadfully sad.
What else????
Ah yes....M may be made redundant...but he may not. The local authority for whom he works has no money and is looking to save as much as they dispensing with useful and marvellous people who help the vulnerable. It isn’t a done deal for M, unlike some of his colleagues who have already gone. (We have mentally spent the redundancy package 😂😂😂😂)( on a new set of kitchen taps as our cold water tap often decides that it knows best and that we don’t need water after all, even though we thought we did)(or maybe we could have a small holiday???????) So we await the decision. To be honest, it holds less anguish than it would have done 10 years ago as we are so much older and so much more tired than we were then....
I am still working at the Bookface. It is still my bit of space to be me rather than Jboy’s mum colleagues are a lovely lot...which makes it even better.
I have been teaching myself Russian for about a if I don’t have enough to keep my brain whirling in a frenzy. I love it. I can read a bit now and request tea, coffee or I should be fine, come the Revolution.
Well, M is busy painting the kitchen,,,as you do when you have a respite I had better minister to him with tea and biscuits.
Maybe I will be able to get my mental state into a place of being able to write stuff again. (It helps me even if no one in the world reads it)
So, once again, this is
The End
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