Thursday, 21 January 2016

the 'middle aisle' I have avoided the siren call of the 'middle aisle'!!  If you are unfamiliar with the concept of the 'middle aisle', let me enlighten you.  There are a series of supermarkets which provide cheapish food, without decorative stacking but with 'middle aisles'...and in these middle aisles are all manner of delights that you didn't know you needed until you saw them...who knew you would need a set of kitchen knives in pastel shades when in your kitchen you have a perfectly good set of functional (but a little boring) knives.....Or who knew you would need a new saucepan in glistening, gleaming, glamorous red, calling out to sit upon your kitchen shelf, nestling next to the other one you bought the other week. Or a set of Chinese bowls...or a mini casserole dish....or a teeny tiny food processor...or an electric cheese grater...or a tiny tagine (to match the larger one you had for Christmas a few years ago and still haven't quite worked out how to use),,,or maybe that's just me!!!! Actually it is M too...but whereas I drool over the kitchen things (in red, obviously), he gazes longingly at all the tooly-type things ....surely he needs a (insert name of tool here)...or a router (!) or a set of drill bits to match all the others in his shed. Today, however, I have resisted the call. Oh, I looked and yes, I carried things round the shop for a bit but I put them all back and in the right place and everything.  I realised that actually I have managed 27 years of Jboy's life without the need for a mini food processor and he can't eat dairy things so the electric cheese grater would sit, gathering dust....and I have enough saucepans/kitchen knives etc.
Mind you.....they did have a rather natty chopping board...............
The End

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