Monday, 26 August 2019

Hot and bothered’s been one of the hottest bank holiday weekends ...apparently.

It has certainly been very hot.

What does a Boy like to do best on a baking hot day?? Cuddle his mummy very closely...obviously. He has been so hot and so bothered but unable to link the heat with the cuddle with the botheredness. He just knows he feels uncomfortable and needs to cuddle his care givers, exceptionally closely and without end, to ease that feeling of discomfort within himself.

I understand all that. I really do.

But as a mere human being, I have found it a very difficult weekend to be honest. As the day drew on, I needed to have a moment’s space, without a Boy entangled about my person. M encouraged me to go out for a walk....Which I did. So, thanks for that, M.

That was yesterday. Isn't it amazing the difference 24 hours can make??

Yesterday I felt that I was drowning.

I felt lost and uncontrollably low.

Yesterday was not a day I did well.

Today, nothing new, nothing different, same heat, same cuddling Boy but today I am coping. Phew.

Three day weekend..means three different garden centres. Today's visit was to one of our faves..they have just opened a farm shop where you can take your own container and buy all sorts of dry goods....exciting stuff!!! They have a great selection of locally grown veg too, locally made bread and locally reared meat. pies, cheeses etc etc

We have local meat cooking as we speak...mmmm

Now we are home, entangled in a hot heap, watching Ice Age. 😅

Incidentally, as we drove through the rolling countryside towards the garden centre today, we noticed that some of the trees are beginning, ever so slightly, to change colour. Autumn is a-coming. Sorry, all you Summerphiles....

AHA...The Boy has fallen asleep. I wonder if I can extract myself from his vice like grip....I shall try.

The End

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