Monday, 19 August 2019

more of the same.... has life been???

In a fit of decluttering(yes, really) we took about 9 bags of stuff to the charity shop over the weekend. Oh yes, we did. Some might say that you would never know it, to look at our house, still stuffed to the gunnels but WE know that stuff has gone...and that’s the main thing, right??

While unearthing gubbins from far distant corners and long unopened cupboards, I found some toys which Jboy had enjoyed as a little fellow. He was delighted to see them and spent many a minute instructing us to play with them while he watched. He wouldn’t actually play himself but liked to see us having fun....I tried to sneak some out of the house but he very determinedly brought them back into the house. However, they will be going, when he isn't looking!!!

M is on the count down to the end of work as he knows it...he is both excited and anxious in equal parts at the moment. He spent last week on an enforced week off so that he could use up holiday leave..he had a lovely time in the garden , chopping and pruning and other gardeny pursuits. After this, he was enthusing about all that he might do in the garden, come Autumn.  (I also have a list of jobs in the house that he can do......mwahahahaha)

At the weekend, one without the Boy, we went to our lovely friends’ house and sat about ,eating and drinking, like an ordinary couple might. It is always a novelty, not having to be 100% vigilant, not having to chase after the Boy or sit ,wrangling whilst trying to conduct a grown up conversation. They fed and watered us rather magnificently...we even had cheese galore!!!...before meandering home. Thank you, lovely chums.

We are guinea pig sitting. The Boy likes almost nothing better than sitting beside the cage, watching the little piggy chap as he snuffles and munches his way through his weight in carrots, cucumber and other healthy piggly delights. The piggly even enjoyed M’s company last week as M sawed wood in the garage where the piggly is currently residing. Apparently they had some long chats. A bit of bonding went on, I believe.

I met a former neighbour in town this morning who was asking about the Boy. I told her about the putative plans for his future. She said all the right things,was positive and encouraging and I KNOW it is the Right thing in the long term for the Boy but it still makes me feel a bit sick at the thought. She put an interesting perspective on it...said she knew of a couple with a chap with significant needs whom they kept at home until first one, then the other parent went the way of us all. The son was then plunged into a whole new life very swiftly. She, the ex-neighbour, said that she felt that the parents had been rather selfish in the end. For the son, he lost both parents, his home and all that was familiar. If they had been brave enough to help him transition earlier, said the ex-neighbour, his life would not have rocked so violently and painfully. Something to think on.

As the thunders rolls and the potato cooks gently, I shall away to enjoy a moment or three, lost in the pages of my current book, before the wrangling begins again.


The End

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