Thursday, 11 February 2016

A Thursday Ramble..... I was walking home this most glorious February morning, I was thinking....I don't know what reminded me but I was thinking of a programme Jboy and I had watched at some point (the days merge one into another after a while) which was about a little lost elephant..(this was a documentary by the way)..who had been swep' away from its herd by a raging river and had been adopted by lovely lady (obviously not in the UK) (not that there aren't lovely ladies in the Uk but there aren't that many herds of elephants). This little elephant was being nurtured and cared for and brought back to full health, both physical and emotional, by the family who had found him. However,he had a fear of water which had to be overcome before they could let him back into the wild....the way they did this was by gradually introducing him to puddles, then a water hole and finally a large pond/small lake. He was very scared of the large pond to start with but after a little while he surprised them all and bounded into the water, clearly having the time of this life. The sense of fun was evident. The thought that I was thinking as I walked home was about my Boy and HIS clear sense of fun. His Otherabilities are such that, if one didn't know him, one might think he was incapable of having much of a sense of fun and mischief but those of us that know him , know differently. His sense of fun might not be sophisticated and certainly is not word based but he finds many things about life hilarious which is such a joy.Actually, he reminds me a lot of my dad who used to guffaw at things which, in my youthful arrogance, I found tedious and silly. My dad had a particular laugh which Jboy also has and which he could not have learned from my dad so I guess it is a case of generation unto generation.....
The End of Thursdays Ramblings
PS I now also laugh at some of the things my dad found funny. Not sure what that says about me.....

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