Saturday, 20 February 2016


So...Dancing girl has gone back to the place of much dancing. All her leotards and school uniform bits have been washed and smell sweet once again. We went back to her house via the Supermarket and spent a small fortune on nutritious(and some not so nutritious) tasty lovelinesses. Her cupboards are maternally satisfyingly full once again. As we drove along, we sang VERY loudly to the 70s CD which was in the player and especially enjoyed fact we enjoyed it so much that we repeated it several times!! Can't beat a bit of Abba. Abbatastic!! We arrived at DG's house before the track had finished so, of course, we had to sit in the car, singing and car dancing to the end. Once unpacked, we  paid a swift and most enjoyable visit to one of DG's friends where we drank tea, ate chocolate and laughed like drains. Marv! Homeward bound, I managed to stay awake (more singing loudly to the 70s soundtrack). While I had been gone, M had been busy cutting Jboy's hair who now has his menacing mafia look once again. Using a combination of numbers 1, 2 and 4, M has created that tough image for Jboy and once again, Jboy has chosen to dilute said tough image by sporting a rather natty lilac cloth. Now we are ensconced. watching something terribly worthy..if only I wasn't so tired, I might be enjoying learning about the Inca culture..instead I am slowly losing the will to live....
so I must away and await another day of fun, frolic and fantastical adventures...
The End

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