Thursday, 18 February 2016

the bed quest

So...yesterday M and I went on a quest to find a replacement bed for Jboy. The one he has is beautiful. A sleigh bed with a special side made so he doesn't fall out. However, while that was great when he was younger and slept through the night, now that we have to sit with him, the bed is not wide we went on a quest. We searched here and there, high and low. Bed shop people were very helpful but unsuccessful in helping us. One gentleman in a FREEZING showroom tried very hard to help and made all sorts of suggestions but none of it solved our particular problem. We need to source a bed that is near as possible to the bed he already has so that he doesn't panic about it being new and refuse to go to bed at all..which would be a disaster!! So after traipsing around in the cold and the rain, we landed in a delightful vintage tea room. It was steamy from all the wet people going into the warmth of the snug nostalgic tearoom but it was just what we needed to thaw. We had tea, served in mismatched cups and saucers. The menus were written into the front of old books and while I twitch slightly at books being used for such a thing, it was a really good idea as it gives 'reading the menu' a whole new meaning and gave M the chance to read while I browsed all the lovely things you might expect in such a place. I didn't buy anything although the pretty lampshades made me yearn a little. At last, we made our weary way home and I decided to trawl the internet for said bed. SUCCESS ...we found one, we ordered one!!  So, before too long, our nights of wrestling and wrangling may be slightly more comfortable...huzzah!  Maybe, the bed will be SOO comfortable that Jboy will not require our presence at all and will sleep all's hoping
The End

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