Saturday, 15 June 2019

A week later.....

So....there is no further news of the house for The Boy, for which we are grateful as we are getting our heads around the idea of M being no longer a Man of Work, come the Autumn.

 I have suggested to him that he could take on the mantle of ironing, manoeuvering the vacuum or even cooking....but he is less than enthusiastic. Not that he thinks these things are my tasks (the ironing certainly isn't) but that he can think of many more pleasurable tasks which involve electrical hedge trimmers, axes and saws. Fair enough!😁

Last weekend saw our house full of our family..sadly not all could be there and were greatly missed. It was the occasion of M's birthday. He enjoyed gifts of whisky  which he has since sorted neatly on the pantry shelf integrated into his whisky collection, vinyl discs and wood carving tools (in preparation for his upcoming leisure time). He was a happy patriarch.

My week at the Bookface has been quiet...rain clearly stopped play. I managed to entertain a child or two, teased a customer or three, tidied a shelf or twelve and generally did booky things.


M has had a week of shocked responses from colleagues who thought he was an integral part of the edifice and of general disappointment that such a man of great standing, wit, generosity, integrity and wisdom will soon be but a ripple on the pond of that particular slice of life.

He is still mostly delighted...and just a little bit anxious.

Today MelodyMaid and Bassman Bill, along with their Giles Likes Tea colleagues, will be playing at a Peace Festival...we hope to go along, depending on our exhaustion levels ,as a support and as a jolly good chance for a lovely evening.

Here's hoping.

That's all.

The End