Saturday, 8 June 2019


So....after many years with the heavy axe of redundancy hanging over our heads, it has finally fallen and M is to be made redundant in September. Thankfully, this doesn't have the gut-wrenching twist of anxiety that it would have had ten years ago...we are older and tireder now...but it is still going to mean huge changes for us. It IS a relief that, at last, we know...the indecision has been harder to deal with.

It comes,however, with the potential moving of the Boy into assisted we have the slight feel that there is an imminent earthquake..the feeling that everything will change...that the jigsaw of our life is about to be thrown into the air and could land anywhere.

Where will the pieces land?

Which way up will they be?

Will we be able to make it again?

Or will it be a different picture altogether???

We feel both a flicker of excitement and a shudder of terror...

We have at least three months to prepare for redundancy from the job and a possible 6 months until the redundancy of parenting the Boy...

All change!
Mind the gap!

The End

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