Monday, 3 June 2019

Ranting and so forth....

So....let me rant first.

Today I took delivery of my grocery order from a well known supermarket chain whose name rhymes with Fresco...our regular delivery of cake for the Boy , amongst other things. The cake which makes his bland, potato based diet slightly more bearable...i noticed that the box had a different design..then I saw the words which filled my heart with dread..."new re ipe". I turned the box over to read the ingredients only to discover that they have added coconut oil and milk...neither of which can the Boy digest. My poor Boy.

So begins a quest for suitable cake...and for who are asking themselves why I don't just make my own...I have tried. Believe me.

I have just penned..or, in fact emailed..a rather grumpy email to the Tesco powers that be, registering my dismay.

My first reaction to this disastrous (albeit minorly disastrous)discovery was dismay that they had changed the recipe..then all I feel is helplessness.

This was the 'rant'of the title..on to the 'so forth':

Tomorrow, at 10.15,10.45 and 11.15 M and I will be looking at three properties with a view to the Boy accessing residential assisted living. I feel both calm and rabidly sick in equal measure.

I can't write any's all too big and too much.

The End

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