So....another weekend. Another set of visits to 2 of the glorious garden centres within an hour of our home.
We have isolated a selection of garden centres which we visit on a loosely rotational basis every weekend. It is what the Boy will do without much of a fight or protest. He is particularly fond of the garden centres with fish and or small creatures which we try to stop him from terrorising.....after all, who wants to buy a traumatised guinea pig??
Yesterday was our all time is practically perfect in every way. If I had one negative, it would be the quality of the coffee which is tolerable only because the quality of the rest of the place outweighs it.
M and I have determined that during this year we are only going to buy one plant per month and then only plants which are in flower or have interesting leaf colours. We have been quite good thus far. Quite good.
Today's delight is a garden centre which we have found sells excellent plants and has an adequate cafe and which opens early on a Sunday...and this is ,for us, a massive point in its favour. We managed to emerge, plantless. A feat of almost superhuman effort on our part!
Then we took a very scenic route home which entertained the Boy no end and which passed time for us so that the rest of the day did not seem so long. )M and the Boy are still suffering somewhat from their incredibly early start yesterday.)
However, another jolly weekend was had by all.
The End
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