Thursday, 18 July 2019

Life and stuff...

So...the all night sleeping was a singelton....sadly. As we suspected.

 On the other hand, it happened, giving M a brief respite from the nightly wranglings.


On my way into town today, I passed the cottage hospital where the Boy was born all those years ago.  I pass it almost daily but the reason I noted it in particular today was that it is being demolished, even as we speak  ,and I was suddenly overcome with some of the feelings I had when the Boy arrived.

The plan had been....have the baby, M would bring the Others in and it would all be lovely.

It didn't go to plan.

The Boy decided to be born in the middle of the babies often seem to. We called on our lovely chum to sit with the Others and M drove me,with me sitting on dustbin sacks..just in case. We arrived and moments later, so did the Boy.

Literally, moments.

And so began the ...I feel I should say 'nightmare'but that would in no way be fair to the Boy who is challenging, indeed, delightful and demanding. HE is not a nightmare but the times were certainly nightmarish as problem after problem became manifest.

He was rushed from the cosy ,friendly cottage hospital to the nearest huge,impersonal but well-equipped Special Care Baby Unit where his 9lbs 8oz rosy form was inserted into a crib intended mostly for tiny premature chaps.

And so it with The Boy began.

Those feelings,  anxiety, fear, despair grief (that the baby I thought I was having was a different baby altogether)and innumerable other HUGE feelings washed over me and took me somewhat by surprise as I passed the shell that is now that hospital. 

So I am having a sit and a think before I continue with the excitement that surely awaits me in Sainsbury's!!! and stuff  happens.

Happy Thursday.

The End

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