Saturday, 27 July 2019

Summertime......and the living is......sometimes quite hard ๐Ÿ˜ the past I have spoken of the darkness which can overwhelm me during the Summer..the time when all is warmth(SOMETIMES) and light. It is also the time of long days which the Boy insists we spend inside and hot nights which the Boy insists on sharing closely with us. 

Sometimes the Black Dog just arrives...and refuses to tell me why he has arrived  and refuses leave me alone. It's a puzzle.

However, this year, the Boy went away to the MostMarvellousRespiteCentre for a day or two so, for the first time in a while, we packed our bags and M and I went off on a bit of a jolly. 

Very jolly it was too.

During the Boy's absence, my back recovered and my chest muscles revived ...YAY...he's been back about 24 hours and so have my normal chestal and spinal conditions. BOO.

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!!

He was very glad to be home. He has been firmly attached to one parent or the other since his return. It is currently my turn. M has escaped into the garden to do vital gardening jobs.

We are watching IceAge2...again.๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Plus รงa change....

The good news is that the MMRC got his food choking, no wrong food(it might have helped that I sent a week's worth of provisions in....),all in all .....positive.


The End

Ps the flowers in the photo at the top snook into bloom while we were away. Ain't nature grand?

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