so...M was PoD last night as he has been for many a month due to the fact that my back is still not robust enough to take the wrangling required to care adequately for the Boy during the long reaches and watches of the night.
I awoke to a message from him on our FApp..the family App...which indicated, with M’s usual wit and flare, that he and the Boy has been awake, basically since 1.30am. Despite repeated encouragement from M that they should try to go to sleep,the Boy remained resolutely awake.
So, as I creaked out of bed at 5.30, back twinging/twinging , I fought with the guilt of someone who had been asleep, gloriously and luxuriously until 5.30, without wrangle or scratch.
Thoughts swirled........Should I endeavour to take my turn once again as PoD??? What if it sets my back off onto a worse trajectory.....?????? Oh dilemma.
Downstairs, all was relative calm.
No sign of destruction other than the fact that The Boy had emptied my bag...clearly he felt that the old receipts in the bottom were surplus to requirements and had rummaged until he found them all. What a helpful fellow.
I tried , then, to take over from M but the Boy would have little of it... he changed now in full marauding mode....nowhere and nothing was safe. Breakfast on the run takes on a different meaning these days...yoghurt sloshing, tea spilling, I moved at speed behind the Boy as he whirlwinded his way though the downstairs aspect of our house. He can move quite fast for someone who can’t move very well at all!!!
It is now 815ish and we are about to set out for a garden centre, in the hope that a second breakfast and a little walk might calm him......
M is a marvel.
Please tell him when you see him.
Thank you.
The End
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