Tuesday 7 January 2020

To read or not to read...that is the question

So....today I read a book. Not unusual for me tbh...but the book itself was.  It was recommended to me by a member of our Most Marvellous Bookclub which happens once a month at the Bookface. Reading a recommended book isn't unusual per se but this book, the premise of this book was based on the decisions the parents of a child with a life limiting condition had to make.

A painful read. An emotional read. But some of it oh so close to our reality.

Would I recommend this book?

Maybe.....but it depends on the person I am talking to...

You can decide for yourself.
Here is a paragraph from it...

Not for the fainthearted....and have a hanky ready.

The End

PS it is called After the End. Now I am going away to cry.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

New decade has begun

So.....it has been a strange sort of Christmas for us here. The Boy and I have both been poorlier than a poorly thing. Most of the festive season, which as you know, is my own personal favourite, has passed in a haze of ibuprofen. My lovely children all rallied round and brought Christmas to me even though we had been scheduled to enjoy the famed hospitality of BassmanBill. Thank you, Offspring!!

The Boy was so poorly that once or twice M and I thought that the end could have been nigh. He neither ate nor drank for hours on end but slept, wasting before our eyes. Thankfully, he rallied and is now, resplendent with candle like nostrils, liberally sharing his largesse with anyone who cares/dares to sit next to him....and tapping his going out bag determindly.

I was delighted to discover that Candlemas(the name popped into my head, unbidden, as I gazed upon the nostrils of the Boy)is in February and is the official (according to ancient tradition)end of Christmas...so maybe I haven't missed it after all, just delayed it a little!!!

Mince pie, anyone???

The End

Have the most marvellous 2020 possible. Wear your party pants.