Tuesday 7 May 2019

Today's shenanigans

So...no resolution to the PIP, mainly because I can't get through on the phone and there appears to be no other way to contact them.  Hey ho...the worst that could happen, I guess, is that his money stops until we are able to reinstate it...

Today was the finance meeting, or annual torture chamber, for the Boy's continuing care at the MMDC. I understand...I do...that these procedures have to be done but it's such a stress in an already stressed-filled day. Today I nearly melted into a puddle as I endeavoured to get across to the lovely young thing the absolute struggle that is our day to day life. She was truly professional at all times and I can logically see that she was doing her best within the parameters of the system but life with the Boy on a day to day basis is not always within these parameters. He is unpredictable. His triggers are not consistent..otherwise it would be easier...he isnt in constant danger because WE MAKE SURE HE ISN'T. He doesn't choke (very often)or eat things which are not food (most of the time)or play with knives (frequently)or run into the road(usually) because we manage his life! Left to his own devices, or unsupervised, he probably would. So I was trying to say that he IS at severe risk of damage to self ,property and others but because he DOESN'T  choke or eat mud or cut things or get run over, she was arguing that his needs aren't as high as I was asserting. I got a bit upset and cross and I think I said politely (although in the heat of the moment it is sometimes hard to be as polite as one can be) that he doesn't do these things because we don't allow them to happen....to the best of our abilities.

The results of the meeting will be forthcoming.

Postmeeting, I staggered to work and endeavoured to be as jolly as a Bookface Elf can be....

But enough of my moaning. He is home from a delightful day at the MMDC where they are indeed MOST MARVELLOUS and he has had a joyous day.

The groceries have been delivered so we can eat something with the inevitable potato.

I've had a bucket of tea.

All is wellish with the world. Let's face it, it could be so much worse and tomorrow is a new day....

Onwards and upwards.

The End


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