Friday 21 February 2020

Update...and so on

So..the PiP mystery...payments have resumed. Suddenly, there it was , sitting in the boy’s account.


No explanation..just as there was none in the stopping.

Which is a mystery in itself. On contacting the great machine that is The System , no one was able to give me an explanation as to why it ever stopped. A Puzzle. A Conundrum. A mystery.

However...for us it is...

Great. Marvellous. Fabulous.

I am truly thankful..but there is that bit of me that is thinking of all those who are unable to or who are anxious about pursuing the great PiP machine...who accept their lot, not knowing that they can and should fight.

It is the lack of communication that leaves me open mouthed and angry..and affronted.and all sorts of cross. Rude if nothing else.

Pleased, delighted and relieved as I am for us, I burn with some deep emotional feeling of injustice for those who cannot protest..finding themselves without the support that they need, without explanation or warning or communication.  It is just wrong.

In other news, I have a second virus which has rendered me coughing and spluttering once again. I have stayed away from the isnt a pretty sight, seeing me doubled over, coughing ...

('Would you like a receipt...bag... free cough with your book, sir?')

The doc agrees...given the added difficulty of a pulled muscle..that I should not infect the customers, nor heave has kindly signed me off for a while so that I can truly recover and cough in the privacy of my own home and not subject unsuspecting members of the public with the sights and sounds.  I am, of course, fighting with the guilt of being off work and leaving all my most marvellous colleagues to pick up the gaps where I should be. Thank you, delightful peeps.

Up until not so many years ago, I felt I was always M’s wife or someone’s mum.....the Bookface has given me the opportunity to be just me. ..a nearly-competent person who can now handle a computer (mostly), deal with difficult people (not that there are many...obvs), have a knowledge of books and authors that was latent but which now can actually be of some use, use the telephone without coming over all hot and cold with anxiety (except at home... clearly) , facilitate a group of likeminded people in a group devoted to books and all things all manner of book related skills I never knew existed.

so.....How are they managing without me????  Answer..very well!! I am not indispensable, after all. Life lesson there!!!

I do however suspect that takings may have gone down...since I am not there to buy the stock. That’s one thing they never told me would unpacking the deliveries and putting books on shelves, one comes across gems..which MUST be bought.....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I do have my uses.

M and I, in his retirement days and me in my sick leave, have had time to chat a lot...I don’t know if I mentioned here before in my musings that we have been asked to consider the whole DNR thing with regards to the Boy...we need to decide before we get too incompetent to do so. We cannot and will not leave it up to our children to make that decision. It is too hard just at the moment. I can barely bear it. So I am not.....

The people who are trying to find him an assisted living place have demonstrated their complete lack of understanding of the Boy...I had a phone call saying that a one bedroomed, self contained flat had become available and would we care to consider the Boy for this??? I laughed. No, I replied. He cannot be isn’t safe ...without even considering all his emotional needs for people...I suggested that they get to know him before they suggest anything in the future....I was very polite. Just.

M has been happily decorating the landing this week and has discovered the joy of the paint roller which he had up to date always eschewed....he is now a convert. Even as we speak, he is off to find more paint (without me...eek...I have given clear instruction though.....)(and it can always be returned if necessary)

And that is us......

Right..excuse me while I cough and hold my pulled muscley side ....for it is

The End

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