Monday 9 March 2020

Birthdays and that... is my birthday.

 I am quite old now, apparently.

Inside I don’t feel as old as the years say I am....for which I am most grateful.

I am relieved to have reached this great age, especially as for two months or so I have  been a poorly peep with viruses galore..or maybe just the one which lasted a very long time. At times I did feel aged and decidedly was a sensation which I did not enjoy.

 I returned to work on Friday and managed about an hour and a half on full Nicki throttle then slowly, like a balloon with a small hole, I began to deflate, to flag, to sink,energy levels aren’t quite up to speed yet.😏

Thankfully, I had forewarned the Boss of this possibility and he kindly sent me away...I crawled to a nearby coffee shop and weakly ordered my fave caffeine tipple. Once supped, I felt marginally better and able to continue homewards, whereupon I fell asleep (as befits someone as aged as myself😁)until the Return of The Boy who expects full throttle mumma at all times! I endeavour not to disappoint.

The passing of time is a funny minute you are young and supple, the next crepey-skinned and  squinty (although I have been squinty since I was,not sure how that works for me). In one breath, you have a bevy of small children to rally and corral , the next a different bevy of small people are calling you ‘grandmamamamama’. In one blink, you are ‘dear’ or ‘my darling’ and asked if you need help,carrying this that or the other...and ‘Can you manage.......?’....when that blink happened,I knew the transition to Old in the eyes of the world had been made.

No. I want to shout. I am not old...just a bit more golden, silvered and worn.

My chum has a phrase which I shall adopt....I am a Queenager...that stage in which I find myself right now.

I like that.

Excuse me while I polish my crown and indulge in some birthday cake...after all, you are only young once (apparently)

The End

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