Thursday 26 March 2020

What day is it.....?

So...I don’t know about the rest of the world but we in this house have almost forgotten about days and  times.

We have stopped wearing watches...there is nothing to be on time for. J reminds us about meal times...and snack times ...and then food...then cake....several times a day. I think he might be trying his luck.

The Boy is still confused by the lack of his normal routine...where is the bus???

So, we have developed a sort of routine. After breakfast and the general morning activities, Mike takes JBoy out for a walk through the deserted town and I go in the opposite direction.

Apparently, JBoy copes better without me...or is it M, I wonder???😁😁😁😁  it has worked so far...

This morning, after watching steam trains on YouTube..(πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ)which is J’s idea of delight,we turned to the marvellous Joe Wicks to see if J would engage in the PE lesson that Joe  is doing for the nation ,and indeed the world ,every day.

M leapt into action and started to do the exercises, trying to encourage J to join in.

( The Pikachu jumps were a sight to behold.)

(As were the Sumo wrestler squats)

J was not persuaded to join in.

He was more than happy to watch M from the comfort of his seat..
And.sometimes my knee

M was of course brilliant.....Me???.Of course I joined in spirit only....someone had to be on Josh watch after allπŸ˜‰

So, now I am home after my morning exercise outside, on my one allocated exercise walk  . I have completed my circuits of the park, avoided dog walkers and runners....feel suitably exercised and am ready for a cup coffee...  I am not barista standard, a bit of instant is what you get here.....

Now........What shall I do today?

Hmm......let me think

I think it will be social distancing ...

So, whatever day it is and whatever the time might be , wash those hands and keep safe.

The End

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