Wednesday 18 March 2020

Socially distancing and such like.....

So...what days,eh??

Uncertain and a bit scary.

I know I am old but I am not old enough to remember the 2nd World War with all its privations and rationing, but I guess we have a small taste of all that right now. All called to pull together and look out for each other. Will we look back on these days as my parents did with the war...will it be a defining time?

 We certainly have difficult, unprecedented times.

In films and books and things which have helped inform me of the war years, I understand that people were less keen to wait.....why wait, when tomorrow might not come??

In a light hearted way, there has been a little of that in our house today...some Easter goodies arrived in the post(since going to the shop for essentials might not include Lindor eggs)....😁

...however, M and I have scoffed all but two!!!

We thought long and hard about it.

No we didn’t.

They were delicious. Yum yum.

I currently have a leave of absence from work due to my frailty and great age(I can milk it when needed) so M and I are both at home ...he has done lots of decorating...I have watched....I have also browsed a lot of on line shops, waited in a virtual queue for the supermarket on line shop page only to find that they didn’t have the things I needed and read a lot of dross.  Roll on nice weather so I can go into the garden and faff there.

J was due to have a week of respite on Friday...that is now is respite for the foreseeable future. M and I had decided not to send him to respite....a whole new melting pot of germs to contend with....but I am so glad the decision was made for us.

Just waiting for the MMDC axe to fall now......😨

My doctor’s appointment next week is now a telephone call....poor doctors...what a difficult time they must be having. I guess most are as in the dark as the rest of us are....yet they are the ones expected to have the answers. Give them all a medal, I say.🏅

Well, the potatoes are in, the Boy will be home shortly demanding his daily Wallace and Grommit and I have another chapter of dross to read....stops me from going completely bonkers.....(or does it?)

Stay safe and wash those hands

The End

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